Eye of the Beholder
I swear, I've got to learn how this blogger thing works. Or learn more. Either way.

Okay, this would be me in something of a mood - or trying to look loomy, which I guess is much the same thing. Believe it or not, I don't exactly strike terror in the hearts with this look (my other look, now...).
This is back at my parents' place - see the nice walls, furniture and stuff? Telltale sign. But its one of my saner moments, so it's the one I use more often than not. Most of the time. Some of the time.
Okay, okay - so it was just the first one I dug out. Moving right along...

See? Told you I wasn't always so scary. That's Lovergirl on the left - she's actually smaller than I am!
As well as being smarter, funnier and a lot more organised. ^_^ If she wasn't such a great friend (and a life-saver more than once) I might even be jealous!
As is, she keeps me sane and I drive her crazy ;)
Two down, two to go!

Tripp and Duffy
Duffy's the big one, Tripp's the half-big one on the left - but don't tell him I said so! These two were already in the place when Lovergirl and I moved in, so they've had some getting used to us to do (previous tenants were guys - ask me sometime about the confusion when we moved in, 'kay? It's a neat tale to tell).
Party animals and occasional pill-heads, they're pretty cool peeps all up. Friends I guess, though I've only met them a few weeks back :)
And that's all she wrote - later!
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