Panda Band!

Music was great, crowd was rowdy (after all, we were in it), night was spectacular. Didn't get home until early (sevenish), since we wound up talking to them for a while after their gig. Didn't realise how big a group they were, but apparently they're APA winners and they're already working on their second album.
Which is pretty cool, no? Oh, and Jam? I know they're not quite Peter Frampton, but I couldn't resist dropping that line of yours - I think it went down pretty well ^_^
"Do you know who you are?" - fangirl style, naturally. Come to think of it, we might have actually acted the fangirls there. Oh well, they more than earned it with their performance. Good times...
So after we got up bright and early in the afternoon (around one), flinching from the evil daystar and sticking our tongues out at Duffy and Tripp - who were loving this - we finally got around to checking for messages. For Jess, who spent the night (fine, 'the morning') at the Asylum - but was Tim all apologetic and worried about her? We thought so at first too, but apparently not. Turns out he'd been planning on going out later that night, only since Jess had his car... not so much.
To make it even better, she'd gone and left the keys in her bag so she didn't lose them? So after he came over to yoink it back he could see it right there on the street, but short of hotwiring it there was no way he could pinch it.
Is it still stealing if he owns the car? Or at least, owns more of it than she does? Jess paid for one of the tires after ripping up the old one on a broken bottle back in June, so I guess that part's hers at least. Mental image of a divorce with a car being ripped apart ("Okay, we each get two and a half carseats, and I'll trade you my half of the steering wheel for the rest of the carbureter..." carburetor? Something like that. I think).
Anyway, not much after that. Aside from my brother arguing with his girlfriend (that time of year I guess) and Mum going through another of her why-can't-we-be-a-family-again phases. I mean, I've told her before that I think we just tend to work better with the occasional get-together, dinner or phone-call... but she seems to think that if she can get us all in one place long enough we'll somehow mend all our fences. Nice try, mum.
Though she is hinting at a parent-paid holiday in New Zealand.
No poetry today - instead something which may or may not become a Saturday regular depending on how predictable I turn out. It's...
What's going on here?
In which I put up a small image that amuses me and people talk about it. Or don't. If they feel like it.
A special thanks to Erik for helping me figure out how to put the Linkage part up (read: actually send me the exact HTML to cut-and-paste into the template window) ;) My hero!
On that note...
The problem with your picture that you want comments on is that I have read all The Order of the Stick web comics. If you've ever played D&D, it's quite hysterical.
Glad to see that you are living university the proper way: stay out late and sleep 'till 1.
I'd still keep that sleep pattern, but work gets funny about that coming in at 2 thing...
Love the image of the car being spilt in half between two people, much like Solomon's proverbial baby. And I'm all for staying out all night -- God, to have the energy for that again! Sounds like a great night!
Anomaly. I heard the line from somewhere else back in the mists of time, so it's not 'mine', but I'm glad you had the courage to do it. Like I said, I had my chance when I saw Peter Frampton and chickened out.
I went and checked out The Panda Band's myspace and listened to their music clips there. They have a pretty cool sound that would probably be great live. I especially liked the song "Eyelashes." Reminded me a bit of the Tears For Fears latest album, Everybody Loves A Happy Ending.
And I'm kinda with Michelle on the staying out all night thing. I'm way past doing that of my own free will, although insomnia gives me the occasional all-nighter. Enjoy your youth and stamina while you can. Glad you had a great time. Remember to squeeze a little bit of studying in there somewhere too, ok?
And to make this comment way too long, thanks for the Happy Anniv. comment you left. We had a quiet evening together, at home, with a movie and take out chinese food. We're kinda laid back and boring like that.
P.S. I'm hoping to see another Shuttle launch Sunday afternoon.
Yeah, funny that ^_^
One of the (few) bonuses of doing sporadic an' erratic shift work. I'm a retail bunny at a menswear store, which means I/we get to see all types (especially in the quiet shifts).
Never actually played D&D - the idea intrigues me but there's not really anyone in the area who plays it afaiaa. Besides, I'm not really sure how either.
Mornings are overrated - they're only there to keep afternoon and night from bumping into one another.
It was that :) Doing something like that again tonight - I know it's not good for me and such, but it's fun.
Besides, birthday boy's gone and put a few grand on the bar tab. Which is good for the gang since we're all pretty broke.
Oh well, to me it'll always be 'your line' - even if I later find an older site with it listed ;)
I might've chickened out too, 'cept by that stage I was both psyched and surrounded by four of my friends. Safety in numbers, right?
We even got to chat with them at the end, while they were packing up! Which is when I dropped the line :)
I tend to lean towards Alana or Ghosts Have the Best Time (prolly Alana) but I can hear what you mean about Eyelashes :)
Glad to hear the Anniversary was good (where's the crime in being laid back?) and fun and relaxing - it's good to have some time where you don't have to live up to 'fashion' or other people's expectations, isn't it?
Study? Study? What is this 'study' you speak of? ^_^
Lovegirl will probably kick my butt into line when the exams get close, but there's still another week or two to go.
PS: Envy envy?
Howdy Anomaly,
Very funny. Sounds like the band was the thing -- and very nice on the links. Thanks for adding mine, to boot ;) ~~'E
Well, D&D can vary greatly depending on the people involved. It can be where the geeky high school or younger kids are gaming where people are just playing with the numbers to make the most powerful character ever and run them through crazy scenarios, like "my barbarian warior wearing his +5 belt of ogre strength uses his +10 sword to kill the storm giant."
Or it can become more like theater or literature, where you really develop the character and have extensive role play with the DM and with other players, and through that interaction in an open world, you craft a story.
I've played the second kind of game for the last few years after not playing since high school, where it was much more the juvenile version. It's quite fun when you get into the role play. There's often a tendancy to take characters quite different from your real personality. It lets you try out things you'd never do in real life.
Oh, btw, you helped inspire me to start writing a few entries in my blog. I even put some pictures in it.
You're welcome - sorry I've been quiet a spell, I've been pretty much flat out and hadn't touched a computer in days.
I have to say, the first kind of D&D doesn't really appeal to me at all. Not that I can't see how it could work, but just... yeah. Not for me.
The second kind - the role play kind - sounds pretty interesting on the other hand. I don't know - if there was a local group I fit in with who did that sort of thing I'd probably try it out, though I s'pect my lack of experience could be a problem ;)
Good to see you working on your blog!
Thanks for your reassurance on my blog about my friend moving away! I know that Spain isn't that far away, but when you are a teenager with not much money, I doubt I'll be hopping onto a plane anytime soon! I like the pictures x
I'm gonna EAT YOU TOO! (unless you go to
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