Doing the Bad Penny thing
I never planned this to be a daily thing - but then I definitely never meant to be gone for this long. Let's see, where to begin... Sunday?
Okay, Sunday morning is officially the Asylum's morning of making-the-place-livable-again - unfortunately since we're all lazy bums (to varying degree) and since most of us are out Saturday night (not me this time) we love to sleep in. Which means 'Sunday morning' started at about noon, and I fled the scene around two for an afternoon/evening shift at work. Oh yes, I work - didn't I mention that?
I work at a menswear store, alternating between being asked by guys which outfit makes them look their buffest and resisting the impulse to hide in the back of the store, put my head between my hands and whimper. It's not that I don't like talking to people (I do) it's just that there's only so many identical convos I can have before my brain starts dribbling out my ears. Even the weirdos we get sometimes (the price you pay for working evenings alone in a store some distance from most evening traffic I guess) are a blessing. I mean yes, they're sometimes a bit odd but at least they're different, you know?
So I was at work, doing worky things: hanging out new ranges of shirts, hanging around the counter, serving the occasional customer, being obscenely bored - the usual. Strangest guy of the day was the man who came in, took his time picking his clothes (less than fifteen minutes from when we close - 7pm) then asked me if I wanted to help him try them on. Told him it was against company policy (always a safe answer - I mean, who seriously is going to be bothered leafing through a hundred-odd pages to prove me wrong?) and closed up the store as soon as he left. From there to the Emster's 20th in the city (by train), which was in a hotel. Neat thing about this is that you can actually crash at the party instead of catching a taxi and going broke or wandering about public transport at all hours - which is doable.

So I got there a little late, hung around and did the meet-and-greet with friends and friends I hadn't met yet. Bumped into a friend of Em's other half (Josh) named Kyle who has the most amazing eyes and was great fun to talk with - eventually Lovergirl had to come and nudge me to go and get changed for the party (no way was I wearing my party stuff to work).

Long and the short of it? Party started winding down about three or four and my weekend finally caught up with me - crashed on a couch and was only woken up around ten when the hotel was wanting their room back. Spoilsports.

Wandered off into the city, had brekky with Lovergirl, Em, Kyle and the rest, did some shopping and had the best Hot Chocolate ever - which is Lindt by the way - then finally started heading back homewards. Made it back around three, showered changed and went out to do another shift which I remember practically nothing about (being still tired I guess?) then went to bed early.
Tuesday? Caught a movie with Kyle, went even more broke then usual (actually owe some money) with some bargain shopping... then did some getting ready for today and class. Actually started writing this then, only I was falling asleep on the keyboard and the other Inmates noticed and piled me off to bed.
Feeling better now, and it's good to be back.
Note: The pictures aren't loading for some weird reason, so I'll publish this and try to edit them in after.
Note pt2: Pictures are back! Therefore, bonus pic. Which couldn't possibly be me, and so must be my evil twin ;)

There are so many weirdos in the world. The guy that asked you to help him put the suit on, even if he was joking, he absolutely meant it. It was his way of seeing whether you were willing. I'm glad I don't have to work with the general public. I rather work with prisoners. At least then I can tell them where to go.
Hehe, you said it.
One neat thing about working in prison is that the customer isn't always right. Also when you think about it, not all criminally weird peeps are in jail - just the ones that manage to get themselves caught.
Love this post and glad you're back. Retail work brings you in contact with all the crazy types, especially when dealing with clothes, which taps into lots of neurosis for people. Love the pictures!
Sounds like Anomaly is starting up a fling... Should be interesting to see how long Kyle stays in the picture. A week, a year, forever? You never know... You go girl.
Good call on the crazy in the store.
Thanks, you two - it's good to be back :)
And no comment on Kyle - we'll see 0:)
Thanks for the reassurance on my blog about my friend moving away! I know Spain isn't that far away, but when you're a teenager with not much money, I doubt I'll be jumping onto a plane any time soon! Love your blog x
Thanks for your reassurance on my blog about my friend moving away! I know that Spain isn't that far away, but when you are a teenager with not much money, I doubt I'll be hopping onto a plane anytime soon! I like the pictures x
Thanks for your reassurance on my blog about my friend moving away! I know that Spain isn't that far away, but when you are a teenager with not much money, I doubt I'll be hopping onto a plane anytime soon! I like the pictures x
Thanks for your reassurance on my blog about my friend moving away! I know that Spain isn't that far away, but when you are a teenager with not much money, I doubt I'll be hopping onto a plane anytime soon! I like the pictures x
Speaking as a teenager with not much money myself... agreed ^_^
But maybe in a year or so the two of you could split the difference and meet half-way in Paris or somesuch?
I seriously envy you living in the UK - everything's so much closer than it is to Australia.
hey thanks! I think blogger went a bit funny, as I did not post that many comments!
The UK is quite good to live in, but it's kind of rainy and dull. When it is sunny, it's really hot, but we only get sun for about a month befor winter sets in again.
I think a lot of people in the UK envy people in Australia -at least it's sunny! None of us over here really know anything about Australia really, except for Neighbours and Kath and Kim! x
I'll ask my uncle what Austalia's like next time I speak to him - he lives in Sydney.
Oh the sun's pretty good (what am I saying, it's tops!) and I like the country... maybe it's just that I live far enough outside the closest thing we have to a city that... it's just not usually that exciting out here.
So it's either take a long trip into said city, or make your own fun. Did I mention there's a fair few young mums around here?
Anyway I'd say that the weather's about the same as that in Neighbours and Kath&Kim (right down to the complete lack of rain - we're in a drought) - though I'd say we don't have quite so many crises on a weekly basis. Or at least I don't, but maybe that's just me ^_^
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