Deviant Anomaly

a·nom·a·ly (-nm-l) n. pl. a·nom·a·lies 1. Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule. 2. One that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify

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Location: Sydneyish, New South Wales, Australia

Uhhhhhm... I'm a random collection of impulses, oddities and whims in the shape of a girl. Either a wit or a half-wit (depending on who you ask) and mainly notorious for leaving everything vaguely educational to the last minute, then making a half-assed attempt at getting it done that somehow fools the markers into thinking I have any idea what I'm talking about. Oh, and the rubber-chicken incident. But 'nuff said about that. I live in a small town outside a bigger town outside a small city outside a bigger city outside Oz's biggest city... which is still pretty small as cities go, or so I hear. Backwater of the South Pacific? I guess, so – but it’s okay here. Or its. I can never work out which one that is. Meh. ANYway, moving right along – I’m in first-year Uni (Freshman Year to the Yanks) studying communications of all things (yeah right, like I need any help in learning to talk?) and as of second semester this year I’ve moved out of home, now living in a small room of a small house in the aforementioned small town. With three other peeps, exactly one and a half of which are small. Want to know more? Just ask – I’m out of space.

Friday, September 01, 2006

I knew you were going to do that

We're all familiar with the myths about multiples, am I right? They share everything, are the best of friends, can't be told apart... and have some odd kind of ESP? And that's just for starters. Well I don't claim to be any kind of expert on twins, but my brother and I seem to have a twin-link of our very own - if an odd one. No, we're not twins, he's two years older than me (an ancient 21). We're definitely not identical. None of the other myths seem to hold for long (we're friends sometimes, other times... not so much), but it's gone on long enough that it's the teensiest bit freaky.

In a good way, of course.

First time I can remember it kicking in was when he was celebrating a victorious soccer season with his primary school team at a McDs - families were invited, naturally. I'd gotten a little high on excitement and two large Cokes (I was five - sue me) and was running madly around the playground when one of the boys on his team dropped down off the climbing frame, landed on my back, and wound up breaking my leg.

I spent a couple of weeks in hospital with my leg in traction (slightly complicated by the fact that it took them a week to realise I was fairly violently allergic to the plaster in my cast) - two days later my brother joined me. He'd come down with Meningitis and the hospital wound up putting him in the other bed in my room. I guess it made it easier for the parents to visit or something?

Anyway, the next 'big' thing I can remember was when I was in Year Four. Remember how I mentioned the end-of-school play? Turns out they'd been rehearsing in the school hall after class on a nice hot summer's day when he blacked out (still won't admit he 'fainted'), fell face-first down three stairs and broke his jaw on the hard wooden floor. My mum raced off to take him to the doctor's when the school called, which meant that when I finally got home (the buses around here - well I'll be generous and call them slow) it was my dad who came to the door to let me in - just in time to see me faint and fall off the balcony into the garden. Luckily flowerbeds are softer than hardwood, so I only needed a dozen or so stitches.

Next case of the 'twin-link'? Ice-skating with friends from high-school. We were both there (mutual friend's birthday), and I fell over fairly early on, hurt my wrist and went back to skating after taking a break. He slipped over at the end, bashed his own arm hard enough that the parentals took us by a doctor on the way home. Seems he'd fractured his left wrist and - you guessed it - I'd actually managed to do the same to my right. By the time we finally headed home we each had our plastered arms like mirror-images, and I was puzzling over how to do my exam the next day.

If you're getting the impression that this twin-link of ours is only to do with the many interesting ways we manage to hurt ourselves, think again - those were just the more memorable times. I've lost count of the number of times since he moved out that one of us has gone to call the other, put our hand on the phone - only to have it ring because the other one (he's usually faster than me I 'fess) felt like talking. Not to mention the time we both bought U2 tickets as a present for the other one at Christmas.

Or when my dad died last year and I'd literally just heard when Jason (my brother) rang. "I just felt really down all of a sudden and felt like talking", he said.

It just seems that almost all the major things and many of the minor in my life have been fairly closely mirrored by him (with one exception) or visa-versa and soon after at that - so we joke about our 'twin-link' and leave it at that.

Except he just called this morning to tell me he's going to be a father...

Should I be worried?


Blogger Michelle's Spell said...

That is so strange, all the like events. Love the picture. As for the father thing, yikes! Here's hoping that the paths diverge for a little bit :) Love the writing!

12:31 am  
Blogger Erik Donald France said...

It is eerie, the synchronous links. I love that -- "multiples." And the writing is always well-done and fab. ~~E'

4:45 am  
Blogger Anomaly said...

Thanks, you two :)

And yes, hopefully this'll be one major adventure he can go into without me ^_^

7:55 am  
Blogger Jamie said...

I don't know... we haven't heard about Kyle in a while.... LOL!
But seriously, that's pretty cool.
I came along 9 years after the first 3, so I was at a very different stage than my siblings.

1:33 pm  
Blogger JR's Thumbprints said...

Tell your Bro, congrats! As far as twin links, the only childhood experiences my brother and I shared was my mother's desire to dress us alike. I hated it, especially since he was a year older.

10:06 pm  
Blogger Anomaly said...

Kyle's doing just fine :P

Jason's only two years older than me, so for most of our lives we've been close enough to one another to get on really well or really badly - just too similar in some ways.

Though the dad-to-be's a little more responsible these days, which is a good thing ^_^

I did :) He's already making noises about cradles and house extensions - it's actually incredibly cute since he's usually so calm and together.

3:01 am  
Blogger JR's Thumbprints said...

Hey Anomaly,
I think "The Thinker" sent you the wrong award. Something about an e-mail mix-up. Please link your (I mean mine) award to my blog site, and I'll link my (I mean your) award to your blog site.

Congrats to you this time.

3:02 pm  

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