Deviant Anomaly

a·nom·a·ly (-nm-l) n. pl. a·nom·a·lies 1. Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule. 2. One that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify

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Location: Sydneyish, New South Wales, Australia

Uhhhhhm... I'm a random collection of impulses, oddities and whims in the shape of a girl. Either a wit or a half-wit (depending on who you ask) and mainly notorious for leaving everything vaguely educational to the last minute, then making a half-assed attempt at getting it done that somehow fools the markers into thinking I have any idea what I'm talking about. Oh, and the rubber-chicken incident. But 'nuff said about that. I live in a small town outside a bigger town outside a small city outside a bigger city outside Oz's biggest city... which is still pretty small as cities go, or so I hear. Backwater of the South Pacific? I guess, so – but it’s okay here. Or its. I can never work out which one that is. Meh. ANYway, moving right along – I’m in first-year Uni (Freshman Year to the Yanks) studying communications of all things (yeah right, like I need any help in learning to talk?) and as of second semester this year I’ve moved out of home, now living in a small room of a small house in the aforementioned small town. With three other peeps, exactly one and a half of which are small. Want to know more? Just ask – I’m out of space.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


This is a quick update, explaining both the long silence and hopefully what's been happening.

First off, I'm Stephi - Ashley and I tend to call each other Lovergirl so that's how (she says) she's been mentioning me.

We went to the Lurch out at the goth festival just after her last post and it was a fairly fun evening if a bit rowdy until some asshole came up and king-hit Ash, then started kicking her until we got him off her. Police are charging him, and we've got witnesses all out the wazoo, so hopefully he'll reget it.

We called an ambulance when she didn't get up, and it turned out she was in a coma. Doctors made anxious-sounding noises and did what they could, but it was touch-and-go for a while there. Good news is she was showing signs of recovery and she actually woke up Friday evening. They wouldn't let in any visitors other than immediate family over the weekend, but we got to go and see her on Monday. She'll be sore for a while, but she should be good to head home some time towards the end of the week or early next so long as people keep an eye on her.

She said you guys would probably be worrying or wondering, so she asked me to come on and give you a few updates - just saying she's alive and kicking and such.

This is the first of however many until she comes back, so I'll keep it short. I'm visiting her again this evening with grapes and cherry tomatoes (which she says she's craving), and I'll try to write when I get back.

Stand-in Writer Stephi


Blogger Helen said...

Tell her to get well soon!
Aww, I thought she had just forgotten to write for a while, and she was in hospital!
Hope she's back soon.
Helen xx

2:13 am  
Blogger thethinker said...

Wow. I was wondering why it was so quiet here. I didn't think it was that serious.

Tell her that we're all eagerly awaiting her return (and that The Thinker is keeping her in her thoughts).

7:58 am  
Blogger JAM said...

Thank you for the update. I just thought maybe school was taking all of her time.

She kept up with my blog recently, and inquired about my daughter's health when I wrote about her having surgery. I had asked for all 'praying types' to pray for my daughter and Ashley said that, "I'm not, but I will." I appreciated that very much.

She is in my prayers.

8:42 am  
Blogger Michelle's Spell said...

Oh my God, I hope she's okay! Please send her all my good wishes for her recovery. love, m

11:12 am  
Blogger Jamie said...

OMG! That's bizarre! I hope she gets better soon. Oh man. Tell her we miss her.

12:28 pm  
Blogger Erik Donald France said...

Steph, thanks for the update and YES, we all hope Ash recuperates speedily! Salud, E'

10:05 pm  
Blogger JR's Thumbprints said...

Sorry to hear about Ash, and thanks for the update. Hope she recovers very soon.

5:56 am  

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